UniverseofLimes wrote: Not caused by APHA, caused by Quintessential.
Their website is complete garbage, and look at the Aphria write up! Horrible sentence structure and poor grammar, and people trust they did complete "research". Would you trust a company that produced this kind of effort. https://www.qcmfunds.com/ Did anyone look at Quintessential's contact info? No phone number, and not even a unit/suite number just gives the address for a building, so do they pan-handle in front of the building? They do have email though so make sure to give them a good message. Anyone going to New York the next while? 330 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10017
Email: zkarp@qcmfunds.com
Street view of Quintesser's office building, but no suite number - I guess they operate in front of the building, maybe they pan-handled for their change to short APHA. https://www.google.ca/maps/place/330+Madison+Ave,+New+York,+NY+10017,+USA/@40.7532575,-73.9789971,3a,75y,274.01h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skpyK4Hsxqw9akQezsLxVzg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c25901b7e6bfa7:0xb74f819ad31c6099!8m2!3d40.753239!4d-73.979139 check out this post on Reddit for some counter arguments:
Here is the Snesi dispensary that according to Quintessential does not exist
And the cannabis house
A video of the outside grow area is on twitter showing plants in the ground:
look up on twitter.
@DeFrancesco_A Please feel free to share and repost. Also send an email to Quintessential. In fact, please send many and stop by their office in New York - I guess they are out front because they have no unit/suite and can not afford to pay for a phone line....
Smallbucks wrote: Yep. It’s ironic that I’m taking aphria CBD oil to help with my anxiety caused by aphria. True story. Good luck to everyone here. Hopefully we get some news from the company immediately.
Timfeng wrote: Dreaming my money all gone with this stock, have to pick up garbage for living.