- Customers have signed long-term binding contracts of between 10 and 21 years to transport natural gas from the Empress receipt point in Alberta to North Bay Junction (NBJ) in Ontario at a fixed toll of $0.93/GJ.
It is multiple contracts, and the total amount is not quite enough for Train 1 Goldboro. Some of this is most likely "re-announcing" results of the July open season that PEA would not have been part of.
- The service to NBJ can be provided with existing facilities between Empress and NBJ.
Firm transportation service from NBJ to end-use markets:
- In addition to firm transportation service to NBJ, customers have also signed 10 to 21-year contracts from NBJ to end-use markets.
- Some contracts for service from North Bay to end-use markets will require expansion of compression facilities on the Canadian Mainline system in Eastern Canada at an estimated investment of $250 million.
Heritage Gas of Nova Scotia and other shippers would be in these two items. Heritage supply will be coming through the small currently under construction compression expansion to the PNGTS.
There are a number of pipe segments between North Bay and Montreal that need similar small compression expansions to reliably carry more capacity. $250 million sounds about right for that- probably not counting the PNGTS expansion tht has been contracted for more than a year, and the money has largely been spent.
- Targeted in-service dates range from November 1, 2019 to November 1, 2021 depending on expansion facilities required to provide contracted service.
Heritage Gas would be included in there. Way too early for Goldboro.
- The company intends to initiate the regulatory approval process with the National Energy Board prior to the end of the year.
- TransCanada is also in advanced discussions with customers to secure long-term contracts to support an expansion of our interconnected U.S. natural gas pipeline assets.