One crook meets another crook.This deal is another Versfelt scam. Cabo cant even keep their employees or pay their suppliers. Theyve been kicked off every project theyve ever had with the exception of Panama. The friggin idiot running this company and International Millennium has never shown a profit yet continues to take his yearly salary along with the CFO. Who the hell would give this Schmuck a dime? If your going to invest in a company then invest in a CEO who knows a little bit about the business, he is in. Is there one driller/miner on the board?.No! Phoenix Capital Enterprises Ltd.? Who the hell are they? Google them, I got nothin. A Mongolian company registered in the British Virgin Islands (a tax haven), sounds like a money laundering scheme to me. J.V doesnt give a sheet where he gets money from and would screw his own mother for a buck. If Phoenix is dumb enough to lend them money and the TSX is even dumber to approve this deal it just buys J.V another steady paycheck at the shareholders expense. Even the time itll take for the TSX to make a decision is keeping the bankers away from Versfelts door because he is broke and he knows it. This proposal is just a Hail Mary pass and cant be taken seriously. Quartz in Mongolia, what a joke! Last time I checked I didnt see Quartz listed as a Base or Industrial Metal. Is there no Quartz sand left in the Silicon Valley in California? Why would a Drilling Contractor now publicly announce that they are going into the mining business? Why would any mining company trust a drilling company who has now just announced they are a competitor? Suppose youre a Mining Company exploring for Diamonds or Gold and you hire Cabo Drilling for exploratory drilling and as luck would have it you hit big. Who is going to stake the ground around you Cabo Drilling or International Millennium? This is one dishonest MFer, unfortunately he has devalued the stock so badly he has likely been buying his own stock every time it dropped to .005, now he probably maintains a majority of the shares. There is no, and has never been any interest in share holder value. You dont have to be a seasoned investor to see how crooked this proposal is and if it should go ahead I would loss what little credibility I have left for the TSX/TSX.V. Cabo Drilling should have been delisted four years ago.