RE:Here is my guessI have re-ordered my guessed sequence to more exactly match the Dumont flowsheet.
LIMS Cleaning now comes before Awaruite flotaion. In the first version I thougth that an earlier cleaning stage might reduce nickel recovery. But even if it does, slightly, RNC Dumont has no doubt taken this into consideration during their optimization work.
AlternativeView wrote: Extrapolating form the Dumont report I posted earlier, I expect FPX to optimize nickel recoveries using:
1.) Rougher grind size of 150 micron (down from 600 micron)
2.) Regrind size of 50 micron, needed to liberate awaruite for flotation and also just about perfect for making a high-grade magnetite by-product.
Flowsheet order will be:
1.) Rougher grind to 150 micron;
2.) Rougher LIMS;
3.) Regrind LIMS magnetic fraction to 50 micron;
4.) Cleaner LIMS to reduce reagent consumption, a more selective float, and a higher grade magnetite byproduct;
5.) Awaruite flotation
Whatever they come up with for a flowsheet should be immediately tested on the fine grained material from Orca / Wale. Id we can eek out a metallurgical winner at Orca / Wale we are all going to become very rich.