RE:US Class Action Lawyers Will USE Courts To FORCE Discovery How did the Cronos class actions work out?
Eigen337 wrote:
Do NOT fool around with the US justice system !!!
Bankrupt Canadian gold miner Crystallex won a USD 1.4 BILLION international arbitration award from Venezuela when they SIEZED their gold mine. They USED the US COURTS to THREATEN to take control of CITGO marketing and refinery assets in the US if they did NOT pay up. When the US Court was about to ALLOW Crystallex to take OWNERSHIP of CITGO, the national Venezuelan oil company PDVSA PAID USD 425 MILLION {CITGO is a subsidary of PDVSA} to Crystallex as a DOWN payment with more to come until they pay the ENTIRE amount.
So, do NOT take these class action lawsuits LIGHTLY especially if they find IMPROPER or DISHONEST financial dealings !!!
This is my opinion only.