I seriously wonder if this delay is to lower option priceOn December 16, 2016 Input announced the number of stock options it would give certain executives and the strike price. They made a similar announcement on December 18, 2017. So another similar announcement is probably due within days. Everyone knows the potential damage the delay in reporting can do to investor confidence. And why would Input executives do this when they have a fiduciary duty to shareholders even at the expense of themselves.
If the stock price continues to tumble and Input’s silence can be linked then Input might have to worry about two class-action lawsuits from Tony Merchant. This is my attempt at a joke. But it’s no joke imo if the stock continues to tumble because of this silence and then generous, low-priced stock options are handed out to Input executives.
And Input, since you seem to have trouble communicating these days let me remind you that an announcement on the next dividend is also due very soon, if not already.