Necessary Evil
So the company thinks PAID PUMPING is a necessary evil??? Personally I prefer to get my information from company news releases and Sedar. In a normal investing world the share price will react to the accomplishments achieved at each state of a start ups development. Artificially creating hype hurts us all!!! Everyone here on this BB who has been following this since the start should be well aware of how the pump machine works. How many of you are happy the company spent this money on BS when it could have been spent on R and D.??? What the hell was the point??? All it did was create a short term spike to the low .90's and now it's drifted back. Ask yourselves this, how many people knew in advance that this PUMP was coming out? These would be the people that made out like bandits. I'm sick of this deceit that's allowed in Canada and I'm happy that the regulatory bodies in Canada have been given the resources to look into pump and dumps!!!! Spidey may hate shorters, but I can tell you for a fact, I hate the companies that create the circumstances that allow it to happen!!! I own 50,000 shares of this p.o.s and I'm still in the green, but I will be sending the BCSC and IR a message!!! For all of you who think that PAID advertisement was a good thing, I want you to think about how pissed the people are who bought on the run up??? Is this really the kind of new investors we need??? They throw a few bucks at something based on a PAID ADVERTISEMENT and then immediately end up in the red??? How happy are they??? How does that help us??? I will let you know how my conversation goes with IR next week. It should be fun. GLTA of us who have been here since the start.