Bombardier's execution reputation
Unfortunately, Bombardier's track record is rather bad. It will taker years for Bombardier to erease this bad image. As we have recently seen, they were not allowed to bid on some train contracts because of their late deliveries and poor performance on other train contract. When a company cannot even winn a train contract such as the Via rail train contract in its own country it is very indicative of serious problematic issues. It is hard to disagree with the above comment. Bombardier does not have a pristine track record in terms of execution. Think about:
Metrolinx in Canada;
New York Transit that put Bombardier on some sort of black list because of execution issues;
Recent client in Europe (I forgot where) who was at the origin of Bomber's cash flow issues related to production problems.
Could this also be a reason why NJ Transit are wording their contract with so much more in options than the original contract to play safe on the Bomber's execution performance?
I am certainly not a BBD basher but conscious enough to ask myself questions about what is going on on the transportation side of Bombardier's performance.
Rewards should come after performance, not being due to national origin.