Pettit's FollyWell what a debacle Aben has become. Notice the deafening silence from both Pettit and the news writers. The latter probably made their money sell the placements they got when they were spinning the story of this world class drill result. I say result because the following holes were ,to say the least garbage. As I stated before how do you drill a fantastic hole then drill all around it and get nothing. Does something sound fishy to you. Now they have 5.6 million left of all the money they raised this year. Can't wait to see where they spent it. Again something isn't adding up. I think the regulators might want to take a hard look at what Aben has done with this project and the finances. Seems like they were drillling holes without a real plan. Now we are moving on to the Justin and Chico projects. Can't wait to hear the spin on these two projects and the flurry of new writers trying to wind us up again. Seems to be the same pattern with all their projects from Red Lake, Rainy River and so on. Pump, Dump, Stir and repeat and needed. These guys are absoluetely unbelievable, yet they keep sucking investors , and I use that term tongue in cheek, in.Only people seemingly making money are the insiders and news writers.