Another Potential Impact Of FlotationWhen I realized that flotation has the potential to rehabilitate fine-grained property holdings like Orca / Wale, I posted that a sample of ore from Orca /wale should be immediately subjected to testing under the new flow-sheet design, whatever that turns out to be.
Today, it occurred to me that there might also be fine-grained areas in the Decar camp that could also benefit form a flowsheet that is able to capture fine-grained awaruite. Then I began to wonder if this might ultimately precipitate another revision to the resource estimate, if outlying fine-grained areas are reclassified as having flow-sheet dervived assays higher that the existing cut-off grade. Remember that Davis-Tube testing misses a large part of the fine-grained material, with the possible result that a well designed flowsheet could provide recoveries greated than 100% of the DTR assays.
It turns out that there are fine-grained zones all over the Decar property. The best maps I have found so far come from an ARIS filing dated February 3, 2018. See Figures 7, 8, 9.