RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:In the following two to three months....Please refer to my earlier post about you providing no evidence while demanding others provide evidence to prove you wrong. Please also see the news release this morning. We've already established what I think your opinion is worth.
sotypical wrote: As requested back up your contention that my opinion is not true;; Trouble is u can not !!!
trust me once the soft ware program is fixed and they have 100% weapons detection this thing will fly and slales will begin;; untill then we see what we see now ;;;;
BullshitBoard wrote: Please refer to my previous post about you providing no evidence and demanding that others provide evidence to prove you wrong. The burden of proof is on you here. A statement from "many months ago" doesn't really cut it...
sotypical wrote: your the troll here talking your trash I have 12K shares but also have followed PAT for over 2 years I know whats holding them up you dont yet you constantly attack anyone whom differs in opinion than your own narrow minded ignorance;your the one whom has no respect for fact and the fact is PAT said many months a go there weapons recognition program was only about 94% effective so there working on it and hence no sales till the software is perfected;; again as said show me Iam wrong dont tell me how wrong or bad iam am just show me another reason they dont have a single sale yet????
BullshitBoard wrote: I don't bother correcting trolls, there's no point, you have no respect for facts anyways. You come in here with no evidence, and demand we produce evidence to prove you wrong? Not worth anyone's time. All you've provided is a claim, with no link, that over a year ago they made a statement. That's worth about as much as your opinion (nothing).
sotypical wrote: sorry your incorrect on who Iam however I always find it interesting how you people argue black is white and then toss names around swear at people and in the end have no definative defense of the issue at hand :: the # 1 and only reason PAT has not a single sale is because they have sofeware glitches on the weapons recognition they themselves admited this a year or more ago;;
BullshitBoard wrote: "Other" is correct, in the singular form. Only one person continues to make that claim here, and it's you Predawn. Go fcuk yourself.
sotypical wrote: Ok so you dont think the software recognition system is a problem? Ok so why have we not gone to market yet even after they screwed up well over a year ago and anounced they had accepted 3 million in orders but yet have not installed a single unit any where other than their test or research and development units ;;Iam all ears as to what the real reason is if its not a software glitch as i understand things and other have posted here in the past ??
Pandora wrote:
And I should have added "with the same agenda re software that does not work."