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1933 Industries Inc C.TGIF

Alternate Symbol(s):  TGIFF

1933 Industries Inc. is a Canada-based cannabis cultivator and producer. The Company is focused on the cultivation and manufacturing of a portfolio of cannabis consumer-packaged goods in a variety of formats for both the wholesale and retail markets. The Company operates through three segments: Alternative Medicine Association LLC (AMA), Infused Mfg LLC (Infused MFG), and Corporate. Its AMA segment is focused on the cultivation and sale of medical and adult use cannabis products. Its Infused MFG segment is focused on the manufacturing of Hemp derived cannabidiol (CBD) products. Its product offerings through its in-house brands, including wholesale flower, pre-rolls, and extracted products under the AMA and Level X brands for the Nevada market; and Canna Hemp, a national CBD brand of wellness products, which include tinctures, gummies, topicals and sports recovery products. The Company owns 91% of AMA, and 100% of Infused MFG LLC Infused.

CSE:TGIF - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by Tradertimestwoon Dec 21, 2018 11:14am
Post# 29146271

Too many haters

Too many hatersSo many other companies that deserve bashing before TGIF yet you guys come here every day and pathetically grovel about the SP. The day is getting closer when the share price will go way up. I will still be here to listen to you cry then too.
Bullboard Posts