Board dedicated to pumpers?Why is it all I see here and people making silly statements above the rush coming? And my personal favorite blaming magical shorts for everything.
This stock is down due to fundamentals. Unfortunately they were talking about a 22 billion dollar company that was going to raise dividends at least 10% by year end. Meanwhile the opposite was going on while they overpaid for WGL and knew darn well they were going to spin off solid Canadian assets.
This is called failure to disclose and its illegal. So, no doubt the class actions will come in the new year.
There was also a large dump of shares by an insider in what should have been a quiet blackout period.
Simply put, this company has been a massive mess all year down to commiting what I am very comfortable calling fraud in public.
Thats why the shares are down. No one know what this stock ticker will own in the next few months. They've already sold most of the farm to pay for the WGL beans. And then there is the fact that WGL infrastructure badly needs replacement. Very capital intentisive.
This stock cannot go anywhere until things are fixed and in my experience, counting on those who defrauded you to make things right is just crazy. This is all about fundamentals and its trading down due to solid reasoning by those who do there homework and cant beleive what travesty has been commited here. Its appauling and sad. Not only did they scam every single shareholder but there own employees who hold worthless options. I wouldnt eneter this with a 1000 foot pole. David Cornhill, what is wrong with you. At the end of your life you do this? Wow.