RE:Credable- if you have held for 3 yrs I would guess that That’s correct Rock. You’re missing the risk part. A double on a risk adjusted basis over three years for a jr is ok. Really depends how you assess the risk part. I was happy when the stock was $1.30+ as that was a reasonable value at the time. Now copper is at the feasibility study level and the stock is trading at 20% of NPV. How does that make any sense. The global economy has to slowed that much. The 5 year + out look for copper hasn’t changed much I don’t believe. So what I’m trying to figure out is why copper producers are getting killed. Is it just the irrationality of markets when concerns like the trade ware peak their heads out and imvestors think the world is coming to an end? I know Billy says this will trade with copper but it’s trading as if copper is below $2. Not $2.75