CalmDown11 wrote:Do I believe eventually Vic and crew most go at some point? Yes I do. The fact of the matter remains  had anything illegal occurred, this would have stopped trading a long time ago. Having former insiders running around buying up assets and then selling them to aphria at a premium may not be in the best interests of he shareholders but nevertheless it’s not illegal. Not to mention that Scotiabank analysts cleared the transactions as fair. Maybe it’s a coincidence that former Aphria insiders are better capable at securing deals and then pitch what they have to Aphria. Anyway you look at it, there is no wrongdoing. If this takeover bid now is a “ploy” to drum up the stock, that too is not illegal. The cost of lawyers and among other banking fees to negotiate this deal would make it silly it were just a game but regardless it’s not illegal. Companies familiar with each other or have board advisors that sit on two separate companies merge all the time. Vic being a board member or having a relationship or stake in Greengrowth doesn’t mean the deal is not happening and it certainly is not ILLEGAL. The shorts are desperate!  If you read the Hindenburg report they disclose they remain short and they are losing their shorts. Fact is Aphria is a beast that is undervalued.