GOTMONEYJust read your post again GOTMONEY, and must comment on how your criticize others in doing lazy and incomplete DD ,based on simple ignorance. Have you thought of looking in the mirror??
You said something like this;
Their third quarter had a cash balance of 3.2 million , and easy to look at that ,and assume they will run out of money. Except they raised 24 million dollars after that date. and, that is is exactly the kind of incomplete DD, that leads clueless people to believe they are entriled to an opinion.
Are you kidding. This is exactly what you did .. lazy ,incomplete, clueless DD?
1- Did you not notice that at Sept 30 when they had 3.1 million cash, they also had 10,782,000 dollars in trade payables, that had to be paid out of the 24 million received from the PP?
2- Did you not notice that the cash balance two months later was down to 11.2 million dollars ? Did you forget to look at the MD&A where the Nov 28 cash balance was disclosed for all to see.???
3 Did you not figure out that cash was down 16.2 million in that two month period to Nov 30.???
A cash bleed of slightly more than 8 million a month, compared to your number of .5 a month.
4 Did you miss the fact that the prospectus stated that, out of the 24 million in proceeds ,7 million dollars was to be spent on leaseholds and equipment in the California campus. This is from a legal document, the prospectus, and yet you seemed to miss it in your DD??? where is that money coming from?? Will it be spent in the first quarter? and from what cash???
Why not go back and do some proper DD, and stop calling those who disagree with you lazy, and misinformed. Might be better posting to the Lemmings in your secret support group, or what ever that group is called that are always 100 percent for Sunniva despite the facts. I call it looking at pictures of equipment you don't own, is far better and easier DD , than reading the MD&A and financials.