RE:SWP is a good choice the ebitda and operating incomes have been solid but it is at the net income level that they are geting hit YTD.
the Q4 2017 was a net loss but that was mostly one time hedge and compensation costs so if they are able to at least meet last years net income of $4.5 million given they are already at $3.6 million it might be a good catalyst to break the trendline of the stock.
they are pushing a lot of investment into the rollout of the new lines but all those costs are forced to the bottom line even though they really are creating future value. the company is suffering from one of those mis-matched accounting rules which forces them to expense all of these costs as they are only building out intangible value for the company. if this was an airline corp - those would be called capital maintenence and capitalized against the tangible aircraft. But as noted, we are only building an intangible asset.