2 predictions for Patriot One in 2019! There is no way Raytheon and Cisco would partner with Pat1 if their radar and video recognition systems didn't "work" or show amazing promise! Paid trails will refine capabilities and make those companies start to change their security policies and response policies and practices.
Prediction #1: commercial (facility) paid trials will start to show amazing recognition % stats and
Prediction #2: military applications will also be highly successful and involve combining Pat1's small object radar signatures (originally intended for low power/close range detection) and AI with the higher power and scope of Raytheon's what I now call "large object / far distance" existing radars to enable these radars to point at the ground of a large area and "see" anywhere there is a gun (& ID what type it is) in a battlespace or urban area or crowd, etc.
This stock is going to pop this year, you just watch!