Just Picking up the Phone & Call ?Good Day All Longs, Getting closer to more important NRs being disclosed. Looking at some of the comments/thoughts of a few contributors( bashers ). Well, ' Just picking up the phone & Call ' Rolls Royce/Major 3 D Powder Printing firms/etc. & state " I have a super product, how much do you want & all @ a premium price " simply put, Does Not Work. Working with & proving the product qualities with Majors takes time/learning/money. Far more time than in a day/week/ or even a Qtr or two. But once proven, then the orders will come with the large cash flows to follow. Note too that PYR's business approach for 2 of their major separate business lines have gone from selling the equipment to tolling for Drosrite & selling 3D powders which affect significantly timely cash flows/business planning/share offerings/much more time reqd to execute new plans/Partnerships with major global players/etc. Note too the quality of 3D powder produced by PYR equipment was duly noted by GE which had bought the firm that had purchased the PYR plasma 3D powder producing equipment. Note: as stated by Peter, they are not in a rush & have the time to choose the right partnerships as they( PYR) have been proving their high product worthiness to have that significant impact for All shareholders. As indicated with the PYR news in the 4th Qtr., note the timing for eg........ Tuesday, November 6, 2018 PyroGenesis Announces Signing with Japanese Multi-Billion Dollar Corporation to Jointly Toll with DROSRITE(TM)....... Monday, December 3, 2018 Pyrogenesis Announces Successful Completion of the Previously Announced Zinc Paid-for-demonstration of DROSRITE(TM) in India; Commercial Application Confirmed ....... The Drosrite had commercial validity with Aluminum & now has with Zinc. Another significant selling point with their new partner which was already sold on the aluminum recoveries. The important added feature too( one of many) is that the PYR R & D group on an ongoing basis continues to improve their very high quality products..... Patience for All is reqd as we draw near to the significant paths that PYR will take this year as the firm continues to morph. All good for the Longs. Best wishes to All, Sincerely, Topseeker