T's and I'sFor sure there is something akin to a fly in the ointment in regards to CBD's and the authorities wanting to revisit the safety of them. There is a lot of confusion in regards to CBD and THC and the plants they are derived from. Extracting CBD from hemp still has a variable amount of THC extracted with it but not as much as from the marijuana plant which produces more THC than CBD. It is a tough differentiation to make, much like splitting hairs.
I have felt that CBD has a lot of unrecognized/unproven value but there is no doubt about its functionality amongst consumers that have experimented with it for pain, calmness and sleep. It is the policy makers that would rather err on the side of caution until they are certain. Now it seems that the holdback is that any claims on cbd products need to go through regular channels akin to FDA testing and retesting for safety and to prove claims of efficacy but THC for rec purposes is ok for adults, despite the fact that the THC increases visits to hospitals for over indulgence.
Maybe big pharma is influencing the politicians to give them time to get a toehold. They know the path to get pharma products legally on shelves and are desperate for new drugs for bigger profits and in all fairness, why should potpreneurs get a free pass to that same profitability.
The previous poster that said Tinley, sure as shyt isn't going to queer any deals to the detriment of their business plan shows a willingness to work with the powers who be to build this new vice and the medical qualities that are well known but unproven, despite 70 or so years of experimentation on a large scale.
These latest cautionary developments by law and policy makers to have some kind of approval for why these products are making their way to shelves is reasonable, as is transforming the pot and cbd business to legality for safety concerns for consumers.
I just don't get why the focus is on cbd and not so much the more likely to get in trouble THC. Is it claims of what these products do for a consumer or is it a delay for big pharma to get a hook in?
The 70 plus years of marijuana experimentation has proven to be a lot less damaging than alcohol which is also a multi-use functional product and to me, the marijuana and hemp plants are the same, both producing cannabinoids so why the legal differentation?
glta and dyodd