RE:ANOTHER GREAT DAY UP HALF CENT TO .025 ON 360,000 SHARESNow is the time to get in since the sp is low, Plato Gold will have one of the best low cost Niobium - Phosphate deposit in Canada / US. I think that you will see the sp be up before the PDAC. I think Plato Gold will come out with an NR before the PDAC and outlining the work program for the Good Hope Niobium project for 2019. Keep in mind that Plato Gold would not only mine the Niobium, they will mine the phosphate P205 as well.
If you look at all the data that is available then you will understand that this has great potential.
Publicly reported price data indicates that the Nb price (per Kg contained in FeNb) has averaged around US$41.50 for the last five years, with an annual price of over US$40 achieved in 2015. Niobium is classified as a strategic metal by the USA with usage growth estimated to be 25% over the next 6 years.
As I mention this sp should be over 0.20 cents plus.