A slightly different take on the 4th quarterIf we go back to the beginning there has always been some heated discussion on the grade at the Valley of the Kings. There is now some proof that the original statistical model does not work for grade control without much more information (read tighter spaced drilling) when actually doing the mining. Overall there are high grade raisins that appear erratically but regularly throughout the stockwork. If one looks at the picture of the orebody there are high grade pockets outside of the planned initial miing area (in almost all directions) I always expectect erratic quarterly operations and when Ovsenek announced the grade control program I was hopeful that regular consistency would arrive. Not so. Am I prepared to throw this baby out-not yet but it does appear that the initial capital will be recovered, the stream has gone away, higher throughput will give us some resonable level of profit and the grade control system should allow better control going forward as the kinks get worked out. Modifying the mining method, if it reduces dilution-should be a plus-not a minus.