RE:Shout out to dilanp15!PROF: You've been right on the money. Question for you: Wouldn't it make sense for Aphria management to do everything they can to find a big player for an equity buy-in. For example get Diageo or Bayer to buy in for 20% of the company at $13 or so. This would fend off any takeover. Long term Aphria is a $30 stock, so I would prefer a buy-in from a big player to fend off a hostile takeover. I mean many companies were looking at Aphria before this fiasco, so with these prices I'm sure they can entice someone?
ProfCornelius wrote: For posting the eod net house summary. Props to you for being a team player. Accumulation is rampant people. Look at the chart for the last half of the day. Very telling. I just love weekends but this one can't end quick enough. BOOM. PROF