RE:Survey about Toma's investorsAlberta and since the SPX spinoff.
Re: Monster and Iamgold's pending 75% ownership. It will definitely happen. Vague details continue to come out of Tomagold. But since the deal was announced, and LOT excused $1,250,000 in needed exploration expenses, I believe Iamgold is very close to meeting their obligations either this year and next year at the latest. Regardless, Iamgold will spend what is outstanding to claim the next 25%. So any reference to Tomagold owning 50% (or 45%) of Monster is beyond misleading. The reality, Tomagold holds 20% currently valued at $2 million (based on the QIT deal). We need a big Iamgold drilling program to come through with big results this year to see that value improve. This compnay has so much potential going to waste under the current management. Recent changes have yet to show any positive effect on performance. Let's see if David can finally pull off a win.