Maple Gold Has Substantial Pent Up Power Behind Share PriceExcellent performance from this grossly underrated junior gold explorer yesterday. It remains one of the very best junior gold explorers in the Casa Berardi fault with its Douay project.
Right now it is still selling at a crazy low price because of mostly manipulative factors including Bent Crook's hit job but he got his with EVM. No matter, the fundamentals will prevail as the price of gold climbs inexorably because of a host of fiscal and monetary factors.
Oh, for enhanced critical thinking among the potential buyers of this stock!
It is becoming increasingly difficult for the "reserve currency emperor" to hide the fact he has no clothes but if you look closely the cheap suit is beginning to fold and the fabric is looking more and more threadbare and like the patina it is. Some very fine men's suits come out of NYC but the bums on the FED would rather wear rags. So be it. We speculators and investors who know the promise and the reality of western QC and eastern ON geology will capitalize whereas the "ol boyz" club will continue to make power grabs while they hawk their fiat which is rapidly marching towards its intrinsic value, ZERO.
Watch for some good releases on Maple Gold and corresponding UPwards movement of the share price.
Good fortune to all.