bbi warrants.Been on this board for about 5 years I know most of the names, those whose opinions and knowledge and those whose only reply is ' YOU STUPID IDIOT AND DUMB SO AND SO." I know that, I have been watching that for years and I am in my 80s and don't need some one to tell me. I have owned shares and warrants for most of that time and have had to sell most of them to keep going. Se I told you I know I was stupid, Should have sold years ago, my wife told me that.
Question. I still have a few warrants and it seems like the same old show, trying to figure out what to do and what is going on.
Since I only have warrants I can't find out what they are worth. My TD statement still says they are halted and the google says I should be able to find out look up V.BBI.W or PIPE.WT. Another Stock House board says doesn't show any trading for 2 weeks. Wonderful just like the information we have waited for for two or three years about wells and progress.
I do see similar comments from quite a few board members, the stupid ones I suppose, who don't know what to expect. Oh yea you have to wait and wait and wait. it will all turn out perfect we will all be in the big money. before the recession comes.
Sorry for being so stupid, if there is someone on here and I know there is with an intelligent answer I would appreciate and call you my friend. Just trying to make my money outlast me, Too stupid not to have gotten a government pension. We are not born equal.
It's getting cold must go and turn up the furnace. Spring is just around the corner. I love Nova Scotia. Cheers to everyone, Beautiful day.