RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:what a disasterTo do brief,
1) Svl is not representative of the sector , as they are doing so well and in addition of the Ssr boost
2) silver goes where gold goes , and gold is nothing more than the yen/$ destinity . Depend on frametime , but am no worry .
3)evryone has his method . Am not a big fan of weekly moving average , but long experience gives good assurance .this is not criticism.
4) i don't see ag underperforming . Ag/sil , ag/silj ..etc...
5) this is one classical day where silver stocks plundge hard while silver is almost flat . Tomorrow or within 2 days we will have the contrary . This is pure hedging for me .
6) ag suffers and will suffer this first Q because bad financials to come , but prod stays solid .
7) i regret del toro , a loss from the construction.
8) i can only express ...opinion ... -))
Glty . I will read the board tomorrow.