RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Scroll down FIRE at the bottomi agree the facility for ultra will be around 100k sq ft.... but how i'm reading their NR on Jan 2nd would express another facility to be built and not included in the overall sq ft yet.
7ACRES will have a greenhouse footprint of approximately 300,000 square feet, with the total facility reaching over 440,000 square feet. "
"An updated timeline of construction completion is as follows: - December 2018 – 19 total flowering rooms completed.
- January 2019 – 3 additional flowering rooms are expected to be completed.
- February 2019 – 1 additional flowering room is expected to be completed.
- March 2019 – 2 additional flowering rooms are expected to be completed, representing the completion of all 25 flowering rooms.
- Mid-2019 – primary office and administrative area are expected to be completed."
So i could def be reading this incorrectly...... but how i read it was that of the 400sq ft 300k is for growing.... and the rest were for the offices etc. I doubt they would be including sq ft in their relaeses for the ultra facility as it would be missleading to investors (not a supreme strategy to pump) to think there is larger growing space then there is available at this time...........