RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:PVG being prepped
I am left quite disenchanted with Pretium's developments at this time, regrettably. I will email the top men (if I can get their emails -- unlikely though) as well and see what they have to say, if anything of substance. Otherwise, I shall request of Agent A (a fictional supervisor) to pay them an exploratory visit; it is warranted I think..... But even if encounter anyone high up the ladder near the mine's landscape, it is not guaranteed that they will reveal anything about what goes on in their boardrooms or inside the mine.....
Alas, please pay no attention to my nonsensical item (the exploratory visit); I just tossed it in here with intent to possibly brighten up the dull scene a tad. However, if they respond to my email, I shall post for sure.....
Miningman, seriously now, is it possible to even remotely envision PVG's share price down to $4 - 3 by summer? That will surely push many of Pretium's small retail shareholders near the poor house, I imagine.....