RE:Cam Battley F'G BRILLIANT! Finally. Transparent, full disclousure, clear, and far less "smoke and mirrors" (except for the stupid Starbucks cup. ITS JUST AN F'G CUP OF COFFEE PEOPLE...NO HIDDEN MESSAGE) ACB is growing up to be an intelligent young lady. Battley handily ( and FINALLY better late then NEVER), addressed every major intelligent retail shareholder concern. HUGE step in the right directin regarding transparency and being timely with publiicty. Too bad he didnt do the same interview on BNN instaed of cheesy Midas - is the host ALWAYS high?.
Hopefully now NEWBIES will UNDERSTAND that DEBENTURES DON'T DILUTE SHARE PRICE. godamnit its frustating there are so unedcuated dumb dumbs investing in this stock that don't have an f'g clue about Finance. My story - I have lost sleep since October having bought back in yet again in very high (no pun intended). .howeverm I'm now confident that my "mistake" that caused me to average down to hold over $100K book value in ACB, will at least double by next year ($20 - $23 range). Screw not having a pension. I'm gonna do "OK" in a couple of years.
It is very cool to be investing and participating in this historic world-wide societal wellness and financial revolution. i didn't even know what THC and CBD were a year ago. Now I am educating my conservative, non pot using, middle-aged friends and pursuading my Family Physician about it.
Chill `Longs`and have a little faith. When the big pharma deal finally does occur, will be unprecidented. Many people will be overnight Millionaires. Only my personale speculation of course....GLTA!