RE:RE:RE:RE:BEFORE YOU MORTGAGE THE HOUSE BE ON THE ALERTGoogle waste management solutions for cannabis for cannabis. This company has an interesting business model. However it has only one unit being tested now with two other plans to be built. It is a good beginning but I would not claim that it will jump to 1 dollar overnight . Being a victim of a pump dump does only a few favours and actually hurts a public company's stock. If the company would announce that they licensed Canadian rights to a large waste management company like Waste Management and benefit from monthly royalties plus sales of their enzymes without having to build the units....if they would announce that, then yes, shares would jump to a higher level and for good reason. Licensing deals only work if the licensee believes in it so much that they fork out the money and aggressively sell. Have they announced a licensing out deal yet? No. But they are open to it. They receive enquiries globally on a weekly basis. It is not just for cannabis. Like I said to suggest things will happen overnight just because Cam Bailey invested in it, for me, it means something , but it does not mean $1 share overnight. What I like about it is a real company. They have a useful technology. They are not alone in the industry. Which makes them a possible BO target. Could Aurora or Australis buy them out? Yes. But they have not. Not yet anyway. If you are a potential buyer of this stock. Buy to hold. If you think you can easily daytrade ir be my guest and try. What if it suddenly jumps for no reason? As with any stock, if independent stock promoters are given a budget they know what needs to be done to pump the stock. However once their budget runs dry the volume dries up nd then the stock pulls back bigtime. Just because a stock is being propped does not mean the company knows about it either. Stock has potential but overnight I do not see it jump to a buck just on my wishes. Something important as a large sale or licensing deal would have to happen or a huge infusion of cash ... I actually own a small position . But you wont hear me state it will double in 1 month. That is deceiving . But under the right circumstances in 3 to 5 years the longterm investment could bring an excellent return, much higher than any GIC. Just as it takes time from a cannabis seed to provide the buds to make the products, this company deserves patience by its investors as it grows, step by step, and done correctly. No bells or whistles necessary. Just time.