For SaleWhat is the real status of PLI?
Who will buy this old car. A fixer upper for sure, or perhaps sold for parts.
Here we are. Searching for a new CEO, out of cash and with drug approvals out there some where, like an re-run X-files mystery. By the way, the FDA is temporarily shut down. (that will make for a good excuse some day)
On top of that the revenue generator PPPS is not yet a going concern as it bleeds money too. Our biggest shareholders have soured on us and probably have given us a year before they take possession of what they may already own, the patents.
So any offers? We are all waiting while the mismanagement team negotiates from a position of extreme weakness and fatigue. The challenge is to find a CEO that has some drive and competence and the vision to build a biotech that uniquely specializes in orphan drugs.