Alone in its own Niche...Early save life and money.
Many Diagnosis Companies have cancer tests that can detect cancer only when the cancer is already active(stage 1,2,3,4).
The big word is ''Early(before stage1)''.
Genenews blood cancer tests can detect cancer ''early''(Breast & Lung) up to 2 years before stage1, and before the cancer appear on a CT scan (stage1), tissue biopsy test(stage1), or a Poop test EXAS:US(stage1).
No other Diagnosis Companies has 4 ''Early'' detection blood cancer tests (Lung, Breast, Prostate and Colon), that are fully functional, ready for market, and extremely reliable.
The Cost...
According to the American Cancer Society, Chemotherapy for early stage1 cancer patients can cost +/- $10,000USD, for the first year of treatment.
Chemotherapy for late stage4 cancer patients can cost up to $200,000USD, for the first year of treatment.
By detecting cancer before stage1,Genenews tests give the patients a bigger survival rate, and at the same time will drop considerably the cost of treatments(less than $10,000).
If cancer is diagnose before stage1, a simple change in lifestyle could be enough to reverse the diagnosis (talk about saving money for the patients and the Insurance Company).Once Insurance Company realise that there is a lots of money to be save by early detection, they will come on board without hesitation.
2018 The transition Year...
Three events that took place in 2018 indicate that Genenews expect sale to grow in 2019.
1) In 2018 Genenews completed the revamping of its billing process. A good indication that Genenews is getting ready to collect money.
2) Dec 28, 2018... Multiplan Inc came on board, one of its job is to manage the financial risk associated with Healthcare claim. Another indication that Genenews is serious about collecting and securing the money.
3) July 12, 2018..David Byram was appointed Chief Commercial Officer. When a CCO come on board it is usually because Sales and Commercial Opperations are expected to grow.
One small step at a time...
In the third quarter of 2018, we saw a very small increase in tests volume (but nevertheless an increase).
This small increase in test volume indicate that Genenews isn't static anymore, Genenews is progressing forward.
A small step in the right direction tells you a lots about where a Company is heading.
2019 should be a very interesting Year.