MOMMY I invested in a high risk company with no sales and huge potential. It was a speculative play. Now im crying because there are delays and things are not going MY WAY.
Im mad upset and feell like the world is unfair. I want to commit suicide, why did I not talk with a financial investor before I bought shares.
Someone help me, life is not fair im supposed to be a millionairre already of this stockk.
keep crying ,whining and complaining it will not get PAT to market any sooner nor will it raise the share price.
Sell your position take the capital loss and move on. We are all tired of hearing about you complainers every day. MAN UP you invested in a F!@CKING high risk start up
DEAL WITH IT SELL AND MOVE ON. THEN YOU DO NOT HAVE TO COMPLAIN ALL DAY AND LIFE WILL BE GOOD AGAIN, when MOMMY tucks you in bed at night and does your laundry and makes you dinner.
And with thatI will leave you all with a track for the CRYBABIES.