RE:RE:RE:RE:DGS NAV History... Dividends coming back soon! flamingogold wrote: Catching bottoms is next to impossible. But every once in awhile it happens. You did well. If those shares of yours are in a TFSA even better. Cap gains and possibly $870/mth all tax free.
Jodiangel17 wrote: flamingogold wrote: Many unfortunately will buy late when the premium is already baked in. A resumption of the dividend could possibly begin next month which would put this at $6 - $6.50 once the premium is added on. Buying in advance, albeit with some risk (but then when is investing risk free), one has an opportunity to take advantage of decent capital appreciation which also serves as a cushion in the monthly swings.
This guy didn't miss the boat to load up! 8700 shares at 2.86...nice capital appreciation even if it took a year and a half to get back to $6. 27k in a year and a half....sure why a year of divs lol
100% in my tfsa. All my finds are. Also managed to average down on FTN by scooping up another 4950 shares at 4.02. Not the bottom, but happy enough with the pickup. I was saying for a long time that both DGS and FTN at the prices they were at was a gift from the Gods, but everyone was so preoccupied with the NAV. While YESY, the NAV is obviously beaucoup important, the appreciation and the div percentage when they do start paying again makes the wait well worth it!