the moron mound grows even higher!!I see some of the old morons have come back, I guess they need more money and they know they will make it with TBP. this stock is just like all the others, up on good news and down on bad news, but what makes me laugh is when we get bad news, the morons really pile in here, you wanna know why, because they know this will go down, they know if they bash a little and try to scare everyone, they might get more of your scared shares, they are buying them all the while telling you this stock is going to tank, then when the reversal happens, they sell on the way up, making lots of cash from those who panic sold! make no mistake people, I have been in this stock before most of you, march of 2016, I have seen this stock go up and down so many times, this little hiccup is normal for me, I have bought on dips (bad news) and held for 3-5 bags, I have seen more bashing morons come and go than most of you, I buy low and sell high, always holding my core. I hate to say it, I am buying your scared shares!! last sale I got $1.18 for my trading shares, and today I am buying again, and will continue to do so! so you can trade like me and ignore the moron bashers, or listen to them, sell your shares (which I will buy) on the cheap and sell them again over a buck....yup I said over a buck!!... I am patient, and you should be too, ride this storm, ignore the morons, they are buying your scared shares too!! don't let bad news scare you, those with shaky knees, lose money, those with patience and knowledge win large, be in the winners circle, or join the mound of morons!! GLTA