Alcohol will be most disruptedthe ones that pop into my mind quickly are Constellation, Cronos, AB InBev and Molson Coors that have put up serious committments to be a part of the changing of the World's view in regards to the greenrush. They know that Cannabinoid beverages are the future and have to take positions to cover the marketshare they expect to lose.
I also get the sense that Big Pharma are watching intently to see what their part in this whole legal advancement is going to do to affect their operations. My guess is that we aren't too far off seeing them position themselves to be a more active part of the inevitable. Consumers are recognizing significant medical value from Cannabinoids for a lot of ailments or boosting their systems.
Posters have mentioned CBD and I personally believe that there will be more money generated from CBD than THC in the longrun and despite the concerns being minimal with CBD, it is still a very powerful treatment for ailments and well being which is why the governing bodies are reluctant to turn this into a free-for-all. Too many dollars involved to let this run like the underground market did, and there is no other reason than to protect existing big business and collect tax revenue.
Cannabinoids from marijuana and hemp have proven to be a lot safer than alcohol, opiodes and anti-depressants and beverages are forseen to be the largest method of choice for consumers and that is where Tinley comes in.
Tinley is a beverage company, born of beverage people to take advantage of all of that experience, to launch a whole new type of functional, infused, good tasting beverages to deliver much wanted cannabinoids to consumers who are looking for safer alternatives to hydrate, energize, calm down, get a buzz on, pain relief and be a leader in the field.
That field is getting a large following, none of which are developed to the degree that Tinley is with cbd and thc beverages that have been formulated, market-tested and tweaked. Tinley management obviously feels that we have winners or they wouldn't have initiated a build on our own facility.
It seems like a long ride for shareholders, but my opinion is that we are very close to seeing some serious advancement for our company in the next 4-6 months. Our management is very secretive about what is going on behind the scenes. If there are deals with partners, non disclosure would be essential but as I have mentioned before, we may not need partners. CSE monthly is due so something to look forward to. Probably this week it will be posted. glta and dyodd