Lot more money in CBD than MJ(1) Simply because Hemp is legal now in USA (MJ Legal federal timing not certain now). IN this context our Hemp processing in 3 or 4 States should be good development. Revenue potential by 2021 estimated to be 22 B (in practice more).
(2) Out of Curiosity, I started looking at extraction economy. A very small plant/lab occupying 2,000 ft2 only cost approx 650 K (CO2 based extraction). Daily profit estimated to be between 17 and 23 K. Thus, investment recovered in a month time (so much hugh profit looks like to me).
(3) Canopy will be installing 100 X capacity extraction equipment. Hence, likely windfall for us.
I am hoping we start installing these hemp extraction as quickly as possible (first mover advantage to our fullest benefit). Thanks.