RE:RE:The world orders gold - (Except Canada - for some reason)ardbegoil - Canada is in the worst shape it has ever been in as a consequence of an ignorant, apathetic electorate who think emotionally rather than logically or critically. Hence, we end up with a real klutz at the helm and at the bottom of the economic barrel, brought there by a lazy, dishonest Marxist ideologue (like his father whose communization of this nation he intends to complete while he and his cronies bask in unearned and untaxed wealth) who is economically illiterate and whose intentions are to redistribute the wealth of productive Canadians rather than inculcate these dullards who voted him in with the fact that if you do not manufacture or sell things people in other countries want to buy, including commodities in which Canada is rich and which have since Confederation been the backbone of the economy but as a deadly consequence of his seriously warped economic views and his pandering to the radical envirofreaks, Canada really has no source of income. Hence, the Venezuela comparison has merit. Trudeau is very little different than their dictator except Canada is materially poorer (NO GOLD) and the people have not yet had the pleasure of developing a taste for grass. If Scheer is not elected with a majority government, Canada is over.