Value of FostervilleFosterville did 40g/t in Q4'18. I expect this to rise in 2019, but let's stick with 40g/t.
Mill throughput is expected to be 1300 tpd in 2019. Gold produced is 1300 X 40/32 = 1625 oz/day
Profit is oz X (POG -AISC) $1300 - 450 = $850. 1625 oz X $850 = $1,381,250 per day.
Yearly profit 365 days X $1,381,250 = $504,156,250 or lets say 500 million or 1/2 billion.
What PE will we give this. I think 20 is conservative. Fosterville ALONE is worth 10 BILLION.
If grades are 50g/t, value is $12.5 billion and if grades are 60g/t, value is 15 billion for only Fosterville.
Current market cap is $7 billion. Buy Fosterville at 30% discount and get the Canadian operations for free. plus we will throw in cash in the bank and shares in other companies.... LOL.