RE:RE:RE:RE:Do yourself a favour..."So what's your beef? Is it that you've got a high SP average? Welcome to the club.
Is it that your decision to buy ESN prior to the downturn doesn't look like such a good choice these days? Welcome to the club.
Are you maybe close to retirement and have a lot of money tied up in ESN and can't sell or risk taking a huge loss? WELCOME TO THE CLUB. What I'm saying is that your bickering is not constructive and isn't going to make a damn bit of difference so can I suggest that you either try to get on the board of ESN so you can have a hand in the decisions or just deal with your position as it is and STFU."
Man, you are way out there. Either you're projecting, or full of scammer/pumper B.S. What is a good use of this board? I doubt that it's as a support group for sad-sack ESN bagholders, endlessly consoling themselves with "back up the truck" hokum while the SP grinds down 90%. My opinion (and as a favour to casual readers or potential buyers) is that until this turns around in a meaningful way there is no more reason to buy it now at .29, than when it was .39, or .49, or .59 etc.
If one was inclined speculate, even on a short term position, what kind of SP history do you think would suggest the least risky endeaver? (Hint, it's not the blue one). There are lots and lots of stocks that look like more like the red one (and far far better, even). It's not rocket science.