Tinley seems to beahead of the curve on products by comparison to other newcomers and the general consensus is that beverages are going to be the most popular form of consumption. They have been formulating and tweaking these products and have market tested them with good revues. I'm not getting why we are backing away from the CBD from hemp stalk oil and the fact that we aren't describing CBD on the label of the Hemplify, while that whole segment has lineups forming and spilling into the streets to supply this segment. The downplay has to be for a reason, although they give it respect on their latest presentation, that it is available, and again, no conventional promotion. When Tinley was pushing a $2 shareprice we were one of the most watched stocks by investors and there is no push to raise the shareprice, although I believe that this company is coming together to be a major contender, so I guess when our production meets our consumer demand that we will turn all of those ringer ad and beverage talents loose to see what they can do.
No doubt, we have interested suitors in us because of what we have done, frugally, and in a short period of time Our products are formulated by some of the best in the business and their are more Big Alcohol companies out there that can see that a healthier "buzz" with less calories is going to take a bite out of their marketshare. I still think that there is an ember out there from Canopy/Constellation that is not being acknowleged and that could be a big part of the reason for us to go quiet. Canopy is a TSE listed company and they got spooked with the Fed sabre rattling Stateside and put in their own hands-off policy and Linton is a lawyer that won't pull any sleight of hand to jeapordize one of the most phenomenal companies in the greenrush. Interestingly Canopy was down $5 the last I looked today. Fear of poor earnings I think, although I question that because it is well known that pretty much all of the lps in Canada ran out of supply and I don't think they lost any crops recently. Probably banks and brokers trying to spook the herd despite the fact that they are handpicking pieces of the puzzle and putting together a world dominant marijuana and hemp company and they are almost broke with 4.5 billion dollars in the bank lol. Tinley shareholders might get news that we are selling off the CBD rights but I think there is too much future potential there, but if a bid comes, we will have to vote on it. The fact is we don't know what our management is thinking other than what they have shared, and if there are secret deals, they are secret for a lot of reasons. Every day is a day closer to our day in the sun! glta and dyodd