RE:Three Press Releases ! They are not great,but will help holdTranslation.
Without the deal with Auxley we now do not expect to have any production of our own in 2019 so we have to buy some from other companies.
Every move this company makes lessens thier value even more. They own a building that is close to worthless, depite there PR saying it is worth $100million. Building are only worth what someone is willing to pay for them and that building sat empty for years because nobody was will to pay for it.
Now they have a partially completed project with no money to finish the job. The only why the build out gets completed is if they find a new investor to which them say is there goal to raise $100million. That will bring the share count to 2 billion.
This company is probably worth about $50million or about $0.04 per share.
Look for a lot more fuffy PRs that do nothing to add to shareholder value.