Howie (gotta get our sh(it together) 1- Start putting out credible NRs with real information. Unless this is still a pump and dump.
2- Get on the phone and start telling your story to the institutions that will drive the share price and hold for the long term. Unless this is still a pump and dump.
3- Start putting sharehplders first and if the science is good enough for the 3rd party, they should not care that their privacy issues trump shareholders right to know. Unless this is still a pump and dump.
4- Support the stock with a plan to diseminate pertinent news that the market needs to know in a manner that leaves no questions. Unless this is still a pump and dump.
Any way. this is still just a hope for most investors and until Howie ( make ourselves credible in the market) changes that and the real institutional market steps into to buy and hold for the long term, this is still just a pump and dump.
Signed: Vancouverpig