RE:PFSUranium308 is another of those a$$hole bashers with FCU management issues.
The big thing I'm excited about is that once the PFS is released he will be selling! Or so he says.
Selling what? He certainly doesn;t own any FCU shares. Another of the 'paid' trolls on this board.
Hope you are gone Uranium. You are worse than the lowest scumbags in the world. Idi Amin comes to mind. Lying, cheating, brutal.
Uraniuman308 wrote: I will be selling with the PFS release. I have held this stock far too long and although I am near breakeven it has probably been my greatest investment regret - and I’ve had many, lol. The opportunity cost with this stock has been overwhelming. We have been witness to one of the largest market expansions in history (US) and missed it. There may be a U boom (thinking more and more unlikely, afterall what is it going to take) I have built a sizeable position in other companies where I feel more comfortable with management going forward. Best of luck to all the “true” longs.