RE:April numbers and clues from JoeNice to see both Paths and you making comments. My take on the Q&A today with respect to grade going forward was, to me, a fairly straightforward answer to well phrased questions about grade projections. Unless the mine has done quite a bit of additional infil drilling there is no 100% answer to make a comparison between the original exploration drillling that was used to make a PEA and the drilling that was done to move the PEA from inferred to P&P (a reserve).
It is obvious now that the original Reserve overstated the mineable grade due to insufficient information due to poor drill density, particularly at the 1200 level.
Whether improved mining methodology will rescue the grade control system without having a significant effect on reserve tonnages is still an unanswered question.
Over the years I observed very few gold mines with10 g/t head grades. Even though it is disappointing to think that we will be moving from16g to somewhere near 10g there should not be any problem paying off the detb and starting a sustainable dividend program. If the POG keeps firming towards $1,400 per ounce the$800/oz margin should make all the shareholders breathe a little easier. If gold heads down rather than up it will be hard to hang on to a losing