RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Buyouts in the MAM Industryuncleronstips wrote:
If you are a shareholder for 3 years , you should know what Peter has changed , and as always , for the better , for the company and their shareholders. You are pathetic. Bash all you want . It has zero effect on the technology that PyroGenesis is bringing to the world. Peter is much smarter than fools like you who post garbage on this BB. At least you will be able to brag that you once shorted a blue chip company when it was a penny stock. Cheers all honest longs.
I have to admit Uncle, if he has been a shareholder for 3 years, it should be easy enough for him to ' refresh his memory' by his going over the news/qtrl releases when he had done his DD work 3 years ago to now. I am certain with mine own DD on PYR as to where it is headed, as I continue my accumulation of PYR shares. With the PUREVAP work too @ some point I will start with HPQ share buys. Note: PYR has a position of HPQ shares + future HPQ revenue shares that should not be forgotten or ignored. All good for the Longs of PYR. Best wishes All Longs, Sincerely, Topseeker. P.S. I always look forward to your input on PYR/HPQ Uncleonstips & others, Take care, Sincerely, Topseeker