VFF Breakdown10.5 million square feet green house capacity
4.8 million square feet in Canada 1.1 mullion of which is fully operational in the next couple of months 825000 square feet fully operational as wee speak the largest Operational facility in Canada.
5.7 million square feet in US
Partner Greenhouses:
Ontario 70 Acres
BC 25 acres
Mexico 50 Acres
My understanding was is that all Cannabis company's are valued based on their projection of capacity.
based on the projections VFF exceeds every other licence producer:
If compared to Apha VFF shares should be at $66.57/Share
If compared to TLRY VFF shares should be at $150.99/Share
If compared to ACB VFF shares should be at $194.88/Share
If compared to WEED VFF shares should be at $441.41/Share
VFF just got approved for being listed on Nasdaq Friday.