BUY OUT?In just over 30 days the buyout of Synergy (Trulance) should be completed by Bausch which will complement there Xifaxan IBS medication. With Ciphers stock needing a tow truck to move I see be reason why Bausch wouldn’t make a bid to also hold the Trulance rights on both sides of the continent. When I look at the offer they paid for Synergy that was in bankruptcy protection 200 plus million I see no reason that a similar offer wouldn’t come ciphers way considering most of there products are also complimentary. Bausch already has the sales force and the reach to drive product sales Cipher would never be able to accomplish. Think about the thousands of sales people driving the sales of these drugs and it’s win win as compared to the small force Cipher would implement. We should be getting a look at 4th quarter numbers soon and possibly some colour on future numbers that should start us moving up.
Just a side note same house has been leaking the price down for the last 2 weeks a couple of hundred shares at a time. Hope there almost done we had traction just prior to the steel off.