Stay cool.Getting emotional in a rational situation, helps nobody... It is as clear as day light, that anybody that has an opinion about Black Tusk, that doesnt embellish, or supports anybodies forward looking out look about the company is a mo-fo... I said it once and i will make the same statement you all have thin skins with your bashing. Im a firm beliver in the freedom of speech, but when accusation and specuations are rampant the nagativity forms a really deep bad gut feeling about the whole process...
Look getting to wordy with you all, will clearly searve no purpose... Marketing wise this is not good for Black Tusk. Ok Black Tusk has low dilution = positive*** Black Tusk trades on the US and German exchanges = positive*** Black Tusk needs to re-brand, to take away the cheap suit type of feel its begining to aquire, because the quility of the projects is not there= ( Now Now, lets not get angry, this is an opion because Im still a share holder, The only difference being, I always take emotions out of the equation...
When one become emotional, where there is a lot at stake (My advise is to walk away...) The true killers in battle, pick their battles; and wait... Role with the punches. Keeps cool under fire, positions and attacks from higher ground and most importantly know when to counter.